pub struct UnixSeqpacketListener { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

An unix domain listener for sequential packet connections.

See UnixSeqpacketConn for a description of this type of connection.


let listener = uds::UnixSeqpacketListener::bind("seqpacket_listener.socket")
    .expect("Create seqpacket listener");
let _client = uds::UnixSeqpacketConn::connect("seqpacket_listener.socket").unwrap();
let (conn, _addr) = listener.accept_unix_addr().unwrap();


Creates a socket that listens for seqpacket connections on the specified socket file.

Creates a socket that listens for seqpacket connections on the specified address.

Returns the address the socket is listening on.

Accepts a new incoming connection to this listener.

Returns the value of the SO_ERROR option.

This might never produce any errors for listeners. It is therefore unlikely to be useful, but is provided for parity with std::unix::net::UnixListener.

Creates a new file descriptor listening for the same connections.

Sets a maximum duration to wait in a single accept() on this socket.

None disables a previously set timeout. An error is returned if the duration is zero.

Operating System Support

Only Linux appers to apply timeouts to accept().
On macOS, FreeBSD and NetBSD, timeouts are silently ignored.
On Illumos setting timeouts for all unix domain sockets silently fails.

On OSes where timeouts are known to not work, this function will return an error even if setting the timeout didn’t fail.

let listener = UnixSeqpacketListener::bind_unix_addr(&addr).unwrap();
listener.set_timeout(Some(Duration::new(0, 200_000_000))).unwrap();
let err = listener.accept_unix_addr().unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::WouldBlock);

Returns the timeout for accept() on this socket.

None is returned if there is no timeout.

Even if a timeout has is set, it is ignored by accept() on most operating systems except Linux.

let listener = UnixSeqpacketListener::bind_unix_addr(&addr).unwrap();
assert_eq!(listener.timeout().unwrap(), None);
let timeout = Some(Duration::new(2, 0));
assert_eq!(listener.timeout().unwrap(), timeout);

Enables or disables nonblocking-ness of [accept_unix_addr()](#method.accept_unix addr).

The returned connnections will still be in blocking mode regardsless.

Consider using the nonblocking variant of this type instead; this method mostly exists for feature parity with std’s UnixListener.

let listener = UnixSeqpacketListener::bind_unix_addr(&addr).expect("create listener");
listener.set_nonblocking(true).expect("enable noblocking mode");
assert_eq!(listener.accept_unix_addr().unwrap_err().kind(), ErrorKind::WouldBlock);

Trait Implementations

Extracts the raw file descriptor. Read more
Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
Executes the destructor for this type. Read more
Constructs a new instance of Self from the given raw file descriptor. Read more
Consumes this object, returning the raw underlying file descriptor. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more
Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.