pub struct UnixSeqpacketConn { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

An unix domain sequential packet connection.

Sequential-packet connections have an interface similar to streams, but behave more like connected datagram sockets.

They have guaranteed in-order and reliable delivery, which unix datagrams technically doesn’t.

Operating system support

Sequential-packet sockets are supported by Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and Illumos, but not by for example macOS or OpenBSD.

Zero-length packets

… are best avoided:
On Linux and FreeBSD zero-length packets can be sent and received, but there is no way to distinguish receiving one from reaching end of connection unless the packet has an ancillary payload. Also beware of trying to receive with a zero-length buffer, as that will on FreeBSD (and probably other BSDs with seqpacket sockets) always succeed even if there is no packet waiting.

Illumos and Solaris doesn’t support receiving zero-length packets at all: writes succeed but recv() will block.


What is sent separately is received separately:

let (a, b) = uds::UnixSeqpacketConn::pair().expect("Cannot create seqpacket pair");


let mut buffer_big_enough_for_both = [0; 20];
let (len, _truncated) = b.recv(&mut buffer_big_enough_for_both).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buffer_big_enough_for_both[..len], b"first");
let (len, _truncated) = b.recv(&mut buffer_big_enough_for_both).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buffer_big_enough_for_both[..len], b"second");

Connect to a listener on a socket file and write to it:

use uds::{UnixSeqpacketListener, UnixSeqpacketConn};

let listener = UnixSeqpacketListener::bind("seqpacket.socket")
    .expect("create seqpacket listener");
let conn = UnixSeqpacketConn::connect("seqpacket.socket")
    .expect("connect to seqpacket listener");

let message = "Hello, listener";
let sent = conn.send(message.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(sent, message.len());

std::fs::remove_file("seqpacket.socket").unwrap(); // clean up after ourselves

Connect to a listener on an abstract address:

use uds::{UnixSeqpacketListener, UnixSeqpacketConn, UnixSocketAddr};

let addr = UnixSocketAddr::new("@seqpacket example").unwrap();
let listener = UnixSeqpacketListener::bind_unix_addr(&addr)
    .expect("create abstract seqpacket listener");
let _client = UnixSeqpacketConn::connect_unix_addr(&addr)
    .expect("connect to abstract seqpacket listener");
let (_server, _addr) = listener.accept_unix_addr().unwrap();


Connects to an unix seqpacket server listening at path.

This is a wrapper around connect_unix_addr() for convenience and compatibility with std.

Connects to an unix seqpacket server listening at addr.

Binds to an address before connecting to a listening seqpacet socket.

Creates a pair of unix-domain seqpacket conneections connected to each other.

let (a, b) = uds::UnixSeqpacketConn::pair().unwrap();

b.recv(&mut[0; 20]).unwrap();

Returns the address of this side of the connection.

Returns the address of the other side of the connection.

Returns information about the process of the peer when the connection was established.

See documentation of the returned type for details.

Returns the SELinux security context of the process that created the other end of this connection.

Will return an error on other operating systems than Linux or Android, and also if running inside kubernetes. On success the number of bytes used is returned. (like Read)

The default security context is unconfined, without any trailing NUL.
A buffor of 50 bytes is probably always big enough.

Sends a packet to the peer.

Receives a packet from the peer.

The returned bool indicates whether the packet was truncated due to the buffer beeing too small.

Sends a packet assembled from multiple byte slices.

Reads a packet into multiple buffers.

The returned bool indicates whether the packet was truncated due to too short buffers.

Sends a packet with associated file descriptors.

Receives a packet and associated file descriptors.

Receives a packet without removing it from the incoming queue.

The returned bool indicates whether the packet was truncated due to the buffer being too small.

let (a, b) = uds::UnixSeqpacketConn::pair().unwrap();
let mut buf = [0u8; 10];
assert_eq!(b.peek(&mut buf[..1]).unwrap(), (1, true));
assert_eq!(&buf[..2], &[b'h', 0]);
assert_eq!(b.peek(&mut buf).unwrap(), (5, false));
assert_eq!(&buf[..5], b"hello");
assert_eq!(b.recv(&mut buf).unwrap(), (5, false));
assert_eq!(&buf[..5], b"hello");

Receives a packet without removing it from the incoming queue.

The returned bool indicates whether the packet was truncated due to the combined buffers being too small.

Returns the value of the SO_ERROR option.

This might only provide errors generated from nonblocking connect()s, which this library doesn’t support. It is therefore unlikely to be useful, but is provided for parity with stream counterpart in std.

let (a, b) = uds::UnixSeqpacketConn::pair().unwrap();

assert!(a.send(b"anyone there?").is_err());

Creates a new file descriptor also pointing to this side of this connection.


Both new and old can send and receive, and share queues:

let (a1, b) = uds::nonblocking::UnixSeqpacketConn::pair().unwrap();
let a2 = a1.try_clone().unwrap();


let mut buf = [0u8; 20];
let (len, _truncated) = b.recv(&mut buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buf[..len], b"first");
b.send(b"hello first").unwrap();
let (len, _truncated) = b.recv(&mut buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buf[..len], b"second");
b.send(b"hello second").unwrap();

let (len, _truncated) = a2.recv(&mut buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buf[..len], b"hello first");
let (len, _truncated) = a1.recv(&mut buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buf[..len], b"hello second");

Clone can still be used after the first one has been closed:

let (a, b1) = uds::nonblocking::UnixSeqpacketConn::pair().unwrap();

let b2 = b1.try_clone().unwrap();
assert_eq!(b2.recv(&mut[0; 10]).unwrap().0, "hello".len());

Sets the read timeout to the duration specified.

If the value specified is None, then recv() and its variants will block indefinitely.
An error is returned if the duration is zero.

The duration is rounded to microsecond precission. Currently it’s rounded down except if that would make it all zero.

Operating System Support

On Illumos (and pressumably also Solaris) timeouts appears not to work for unix domain sockets.

use std::io::ErrorKind;
use std::time::Duration;
use uds::UnixSeqpacketConn;

let (a, b) = UnixSeqpacketConn::pair().unwrap();
a.set_read_timeout(Some(Duration::new(0, 2_000_000))).unwrap();
let error = a.recv(&mut[0; 1024]).unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(error.kind(), ErrorKind::WouldBlock);

Returns the read timeout of this socket.

None is returned if there is no timeout.

Note that subsecond parts might have been be rounded by the OS (in addition to the rounding to microsecond in set_read_timeout()).

use uds::UnixSeqpacketConn;
use std::time::Duration;

let timeout = Some(Duration::new(2, 0));
let conn = UnixSeqpacketConn::pair().unwrap().0;
assert_eq!(conn.read_timeout().unwrap(), timeout);

Sets the write timeout to the duration specified.

If the value specified is None, then send() and its variants will block indefinitely.
An error is returned if the duration is zero.

Operating System Support

On Illumos (and pressumably also Solaris) timeouts appears not to work for unix domain sockets.

let (conn, _other) = UnixSeqpacketConn::pair().unwrap();
conn.set_write_timeout(Some(Duration::new(0, 500 * 1000))).unwrap();
loop {
    if let Err(e) = conn.send(&[0; 1000]) {
        assert_eq!(e.kind(), ErrorKind::WouldBlock, "{}", e);

Returns the write timeout of this socket.

None is returned if there is no timeout.

let conn = uds::UnixSeqpacketConn::pair().unwrap().0;

Enables or disables nonblocking mode.

Consider using the nonblocking variant of this type instead. This method mainly exists for feature parity with std’s UnixStream.


Trying to receive when there are no packets waiting:

let (a, b) = UnixSeqpacketConn::pair().expect("create seqpacket pair");
assert_eq!(a.recv(&mut[0; 20]).unwrap_err().kind(), ErrorKind::WouldBlock);

Trying to send when the OS buffer for the connection is full:

let (a, b) = UnixSeqpacketConn::pair().expect("create seqpacket pair");
loop {
    if let Err(error) = a.send(&[b'#'; 1000]) {
        assert_eq!(error.kind(), ErrorKind::WouldBlock);

Shuts down the read, write, or both halves of this connection.

Trait Implementations

Extracts the raw file descriptor. Read more
Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
Executes the destructor for this type. Read more
Constructs a new instance of Self from the given raw file descriptor. Read more
Consumes this object, returning the raw underlying file descriptor. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more
Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.